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bolivarian missions造句

"bolivarian missions"是什么意思  
  • One of the Bolivarian Missions of Hugo Ch醰ez, Mission Robinson, is named for him.
  • Around half of this went directly to various Bolivarian Missions, with the remainder distributed via the National Development Fund.
  • This is the categorization of the "'Bolivarian Missions "'implemented under current Venezuelan president Hugo Ch醰ez.
  • The Bolivarian missions are overseen with widespread experimentation in what Ch醰ez's supporters call " citizen-and worker-managed governance ."
  • A multi-university study in 2015 questioned the effectiveness of the Bolivarian missions, showing that only 10 % of Venezuelans studied benefitted from the missions.
  • "' Misi髇 Guaicaipuro "'( launched 12 October 2003 ) is one of the Bolivarian Missions initiated by former Venezuelan president Hugo Ch醰ez.
  • A new Bolivarian Mission, Mission Vuelta al Campo was announced in 2005; it seeks to encourage impoverished and unemployed urban Venezuelans to willingly return to the countryside.
  • In addition the transformation of PDVSA had lasting political consequences, enabling the government to make much more direct use of PDVSA revenues for political projects such as Bolivarian Missions.
  • Following the adoption of a new Communal Councils, and implemented social programs known as the Bolivarian Missions to expand access to food, housing, healthcare, and education.
  • In 2008 he was honoured with the naming of a Bolivarian Mission, " Misi髇 Dr . Jos?Gregorio Hern醤dez ", dedicated to the health of Venezuelans with disabilities.
  • It's difficult to see bolivarian missions in a sentence. 用bolivarian missions造句挺难的
  • "' Mission Robinson "'is one of the Bolivarian Missions ( a series of anti-poverty and social welfare programs ) implemented by Hugo Ch醰ez in 2003.
  • Domestically, Chavez used such oil funds for populist policies, creating the " Bolivarian Missions, " aimed at providing public services to improve economic, cultural, and social conditions.
  • Ch醰ez strengthened his support among the poor with a series of social initiatives known as the Bolivarian Missions, and created a network of grass-roots workers'councils, the Bolivarian Circles.
  • On 12 July 2016, Maduro granted Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino L髉ez the power to oversee product transportation, price controls, the Bolivarian missions, while also having his military command five of Venezuela's main ports.
  • Under the social programs of the Bolivarian Revolution, a number of Bolivarian Missions focus on education, including Mission Robinson ( primary education including literacy ), Mission Ribas ( secondary education ) and Mission Sucre ( higher education ).
  • With increasing oil prices in the early 2000s and funds not seen in Venezuela since the 1980s, Ch醰ez created the Bolivarian Missions, aimed at providing public services to improve economic, cultural, and social conditions so he could maintain political power.
  • As a result of Ch醰ez's policies, the durability of Bolivarian missions was put to the test shortly before and after Ch醰ez's death, when poverty increased, inflation rose and widespread shortages in Venezuela occurred, with such effects growing especially into the presidency of Nicolas Maduro.
  • Using increasing oil prices since the early 2000s and funds not seen in Venezuela since the 1980s, Ch醰ez created " Bolivarian missions ", the construction of thousands of free medical clinics for the poor, indigenous rights, the institution of educational campaigns and the enactment of food and housing subsidies.
  • Capriles said that his signature on the document was a forgery, while the MUD's economic advisor said that the MUD had " no hidden agenda ", and that its plans included the " institutionalisation " of the government's Bolivarian Missions so that they would no longer be " subject to the whims of government ".
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